California’s Oldest Latino Journalism Group Against “Backroom Deal” Killing Journalism Legislation

CCNMA Latino Journalists of California opposes the backroom deal killing legislation that would have required Google to pay news organizations for distributing their content.

As envisioned, the legislation would have required Google to compensate news organizations for the content they create. Initial discussions among lawmakers also focused on funding for training programs to increase the number of Latino journalists and other journalists of color in California newsrooms.

But all that was lost in secretive dealings that let Google off the hook and now requires California taxpayers to foot about a quarter of the bill for a $250 million commitment during the next five years. The deal was hailed last week by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Founded in Los Angeles in 1972, CCNMA is the oldest advocacy organization for journalists of color in the United States. CCNMA sees no long-term public benefit in this deal, and we request that California’s elected officials reject this agreement and ensure that Google shoulders its responsibility.

— CCNMA Board of Directors